How to Increase Immunity Power in Body Naturally

Keeping the immune system in good condition and strong defenses allow us to prevent the development of certain diseases and stand up to those that begin to manifest in our bodies. Next, we tell you how to increase immunity power in the body naturally so that these measures have a greater effect. Remember that with a strong immune system you will be much healthier in all aspects.

How to increase immunity power in body naturally?

To keep your body in perfect condition and strengthen the immune system naturally, the foods offer you a food supplement with purified yeast beta-glucans, vitamin D3, vitamin B and Zinc. This food supplement will help you maintain the normal functioning of the immune system, reduce tiredness and fatigue so that your body increases its defenses and will protect the cells of your body against the damage caused by oxidation.

Food to raise defenses

how to increase immunity power in body naturally

Diet is the basis for maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. For this reason and in order to raise the defenses naturally, it is important to incorporate foods that provide us with the necessary nutrients to strengthen the immune system and favor the body’s defense cells more efficiently. These are some of the best foods to raise defenses:

  • Products with Omega 3: tuna, salmon, sardines, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseed.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C: orange, tangerine, lemon, pineapple, mango, melon, watermelon, strawberries, kiwi, tomato, broccoli, cabbage, etc.
  • Foods with vitamin A: carrot, spinach, chard, beets or eggs.
  • Foods rich in vitamin E: olive and sunflower oil and nuts such as hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios or almonds.
  • Products containing zinc: chicken, turkey, red beef, oysters, wheat germ and whole grains, pumpkin seeds and fish.
  • Foods with selenium: rice, chicken, cheese, wheat flour, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Natural probiotics: plain yogurt and kefir.

In addition to introducing these foods into your diet, it is important to avoid processed foods, refined sugars, alcohols and caffeine, as they are very harmful and weaken the body.

Vitamins to boost defenses

Maintaining the body with good levels of vitamins is essential to strengthening the immune system naturally. But what are the most necessary vitamins to keep the immune system strong? These are as follows:

  • Vitamin C: is the most essential, as it directly helps the proper functioning of the immune system. The star fruit where you can find this vitamin is in the orange, however, you can also consume it through food supplements.
  • Vitamin B3: This vitamin is water-soluble, that is, it dissolves in water, so you can lose the great property if you cook foods that contain them. Therefore, taking it through food supplements will allow the mucosa to be in normal conditions, one of the main functions of type B vitamins.
  • Vitamin D: this type of vitamin helps to absorb calcium, since it is fat-soluble, and together with phosphorus, it allows us to keep bones strong, a great defense of our immune system. Vitamin D is produced in the body through sunlight, although you will also find it in small doses in some foods and as a supplement.

Taking care of your body, leading a healthy life and avoiding, as much as possible, everything harmful to your body will allow you to maintain a strong immune system with high defenses and ready to fight everything.

Why the immune system is weakened?

The immune system is the body’s defense method that is activated to prevent attacks by bacteria, viruses, fungi or other pathogenic organisms. The skin is our first defensive barrier, but there are a few more, such as white blood cells and immunoglobulins. Any imbalance in the immune system can directly affect the performance and functioning of our body, as well as health. Therefore, it is necessary to keep it strong and take the necessary measures so that the defenses do not weaken.

Although we have sophisticated defense methods, there are certain factors that can affect and weaken our immune system. These are the main reasons why the immune system is weakened:

Inadequate food: It is the basis of health. Protein, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, as well as excess carbohydrates directly affect the functioning of the immune system.

Low activity: A sedentary lifestyle is directly related to diseases such as diabetes or being overweight, which negatively affects immunology. Lack of movement or the lack of moderate physical activity, at least twice a week, is a quick way to weaken your defenses.

A bad rest: Not sleeping the recommended hours (between 7 and 8 a day) and not having optimal rest and good sleep hygiene produces that the defenses of the immune system let down their guard and are not as effective against the attack of diseases.

Stress: Although it is a natural response that favors the release of adrenaline, an overload of tension can transform into more serious pathologies such as anxiety, depression or even thrombosis. Maintaining stressful situations for a long time can affect the depression of the immune system and weaken it.

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