How to get pet hair out of your crochet projects

For most people, the idea of crocheting while having a cat or dog snuggled on your lap or next to you is the stuff of dreams. But getting little Felix or Fido’s hair stuck in your project can be at best an annoyance or even worse, ruin a project.

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Given that allergies are globally on the rise, this can be an especially big issue if you are selling your crafts, and cat or dog hair results in a very unhappy customer. So how do you get pet hair out of your crochet projects?

Prevention is better than cure

The first step to getting rid of pet hair on your crochet projects is to try to avoid it in the first place! One golden rule is to never leave projects on the floor. The pull of crochet yarn will pick up fur from the carpet like a magnet, as well as all the fur balls that gather on wood floors.

Secondly, try to avoid having pets in the area while you are crocheting. If you don’t want to miss quality cuddle time with your cat, dog or other pet while you crochet, then consider grooming them before you settle into working on your project. Also, use a lint roller on yourself.


Storage of your project is also an important factor to think about. Try to store your project properly – stashing it in a large container or a zip-lock bag should keep it away from pet hair. Many crochet kits, such as those available at, offer storage bags as well.

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How to remove hair if it’s on your project

Depending on the yarn being used, there are a few options for removing pet hair. One option, which may be a good idea anyway after handling a project for several weeks or months, is washing it when it’s been completed. You can also try very gently rolling it with a lint roller, but only if the pull of the yarn allows for this.

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