In an already dense and overcrowded London, it’s no wonder that talks of how to accommodate a further 1.5 million people leave some residents cold. With rents soaring sky-high and new tower blocks not far behind, there simply doesn’t seem to be a solution.
Planning On Regardless
Just because there doesn’t appear to be an answer at hand, doesn’t mean councils can escape their obligations. High rises offering both social and private housing are planned and executed with rapid efficiency. This is because avoiding conflict and opposition along the way is vital to keeping cost down, with public protests causing delays and costing money. This, however, leaves communities feeling cheated and disenfranchised when it comes to the shaping of their neighbourhoods. This, in turn, leads to more conflicts. With so many people needing housing it will be important they use an efficient Conveyancing Solicitors London company to help them with their move quickly and with great customer service. All they need to do is contact them for more information on sites such as
New Vision For London
The previous Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, famously pushed through several high profile projects to try to meet the 1.5 million new homes goal. His activities were met with derision, but reaction group reports such as Growing London have provided alternative ideas.
Looking at solutions which are more human centric, such as rethinking the policy for tall buildings and measuring the qualitative impact of the built environments, has opened up new conversations. Examining how relatively cheap fabric structures can be used to create space is one such possibility which could be considered.
All too often, in an effort by developers to meet all the specified criteria of a bid, the end result becomes a hostile and unattractive form. Alternative building products such as tensile fabric structures allow residents to occupy spaces away from the glare of the latest high rise monstrosity, and without being under a solid roof.
More Public Involvement, Sooner
The Growing London report further stresses that communities must be involved in all planning proposals much sooner. Currently, most residents only find out that a new block of apartments are planned once the bulldozers move in. This is bound to lead to frustrations and knee-jerk reactions.
Year on year, London’s population grows by around 100,000 people. It’s a credit to the city that so many individuals see it as the location of their future success, but a massive strain on housing. The first step in tackling the housing crises has to be communication. Without this, all is lost.