Gathering some information online, we find some very interesting tips for those who give their clients a pleasant massage on the back, shoulders, and neck.
Massages can be beneficial if the pain comes from a contracture. In any case, the massage relieves muscle tension and reduces the risk of suffering an injury. In addition, it increases the degree of mental well-being, which affects the relief of pain the patient feels. We suggest visiting Best Facials in Manhattan.
Back massage
The person who is going to receive the message should be lying face down. Before starting, you should know that the massages are carried out from the neck to the sacral area, and it has to be deep and slow movements, with the thumbs around the spine. Movements up, down and towards the shoulders. Follow this progression so that back massages are totally pleasant and healthy:
- We will begin by folding the arm towards the back, and massaging the edge of the shoulder blade from the top-down, firmly but gently, with four fingers.
- With the kneading technique, on both sides of the spine from the neck to the sacrum, slow and deep. We will be able to loosen the muscular tension.
- With the fists, we slide them to the sides of the column from the neck to the sacrum. There we separate the hands towards the sides and we slide up the hands in an undulating way across the back until we reach the shoulder where we slide towards the neck area where We will start again.
- The same type of massage but supporting the palm of the hand from the shoulders to the hip. With the sliding technique, with the whole hand, all over the back, from the neck to the hip, opening towards the sides, return to the starting position. This lap is done by sliding just the hands so as not to lose contact with the patient.
- The last movement will be sliding on the neck, shoulders and down the arms to the hands.
- It is important to pay special attention and time to the root area of pain to relieve it.
Shoulder relaxation
The majority of people who seek to get massages, it is because of the contractures that are on their shoulders, which often causes different discomforts. This contracture can be due to bad positions, to lift a lot of weight, to sleep badly, or for different reasons that lead to the contracting of the shoulders.
Shoulder massages are very simple to do but you have to do them very delicately, first of all, you put pressure from the head to the affected part and then follow the neck to get more contracture. It is done once by the shoulder and then the massage is done together gently.
Finally, a general massage is done around the neck and the face, this will also relieve different pains such as the head, apart from relaxing the shoulders. Visit Waxing in NYC to get the best care of waxing.
Neck massage
One of the most affected parts due to the daily routine is the neck since it loads with absolutely all the tensions of our body such as headaches, backaches and many times the neck pains are due to a bad position at the time of sleep.
For this technique to be positive, the patient must sit in the manner in which he is most comfortable. And the massage therapist will be placed behind to perform the massage without any difficulty.
Although these messages can be performed with dry skin. It is recommended to use creams or oils so that it not only relieves pain but the skin can hydrate.
How to do it?
- We start with a gentle kneading massage and small pinches towards the neck, starting from the center of the neck.
- The shoulder area should also be treated by applying a massage similar to that developed in the back.
- Kneading from the base of the neck to one shoulder and then to the other.
- Another movement consists of circular movements with the base of the fingers around the lateral muscles of the neck, behind the jaws.
- We lift the patient’s head slowly, we take it very gently to the side holding with one hand the chin. With the other massaging in a kneading way the side of the neck to the shoulders. First on one side and then on the other. We take the head, one hand on the cusp and the other on the chin. We gently turn it both ways.
- It returns to support the head on the arms and massage the shoulders.
- We end up with pressure on the arms from the shoulder to the wrists. And returning to the shoulder in the same way. Finally, we recommended Spa in Manhattan and Best nail Salon in Manhattan to know more details.