Three Things in an Office That Can be a Fire Risk

When you work in an office you may think that there is no danger in your job. Although it is certainly a lower risk job than many, there are risks in any workplace and something that can be a risk, even in an office, is the risk of fire.

It is important that in any workplace, a fire risk assessment is done by a professional like this fire risk assessment Gloucester based company in order to identify all of the risks that are identified in your office. Here are some of the things that could be a fire risk in the office…


Faulty or Damaged Electrical Equipment – There are lots of electrical items in an office and it is important to ensure that they are regularly checked by an electrician. If you notice that any electrical item in the office is not working correctly, it should be turned off and checked by an electrician. 


Fires in the Kitchen – Most offices will also have a kitchen where you can make a hot drink and heat up any food that you have brought in. With any kitchen, there is always the risk of a fire and making sure that all appliances are treated correctly and switched off when not in use is important.


Incorrect Storage – Failing to store things properly can be the cause of a fire, and this could be flammable liquids that may be used for cleaning, or things that could easily catch fire such as paper. Keeping things tidy and in places where they are not as likely to be able to catch fire is essential.

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