Acupuncture For Headaches

Headaches can affect up to 80 percent of UK adults.

Many symptoms are influenced by multiple factors and begin as early as childhood. 40% of headache sufferers have a family history.

Headaches can range in intensity from mild pain to severe pain. In more severe cases, sufferers may experience photophobia or sound phobia (sensitivity to noise or light) as well as nausea or vomiting. The symptoms can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to several days. Painkillers, rest and water are often helpful in easing the symptoms.

Many factors are common, including: stress, dehydration, drinking too much alcohol, bad posture, eyesight problems and not eating regularly.

Migraines affect an estimated 190,000 people each day in the UK. This condition is often accompanied by a severe headache, usually on only one side of your head. For help from Acupuncture Gloucester, contact

The severity of migraine pain is often what sets it apart from headaches. However, migraines can also have accompanying symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, vertigo and light sensitivity. Painkillers and nausea medications may help ease symptoms, but sometimes lying in a darkened room is the only way to relieve them.

There is no clear cause of migraines. However, they can be brought on by stress, fatigue, menstrual problems, and certain foods and drinks. Avoiding things that trigger migraines may help you reduce them. Regular exercise and eating well can help.

Does acupuncture work for migraines and headaches? As an alternative to medication prescribed by your GP, you may wish to try acupuncture to treat headaches.

Acupuncture is the use of fine metal needles in specific points to stimulate the physiology, either strengthening it where they have become weak, or clearing them where they have become blocked or congested. This helps restore the normal physiological function of the body and mind.

How many treatments do I require?
If you are experiencing symptoms, treatment is recommended every 1 to 2 weeks.

As your health improves, you may need to receive treatment periodically to maintain a healthy system.

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