Based in a thriving, tight-knit community of environmentally aware local inhabitants in the historic town of Monmouth in the County of Monmouthshire is a highly sought after and award-winning Monmouth Architect such as Monmouth is a rural town, located in the wider county of Monmouthshire, where the inhabitants are passionate about protecting the environment and helping to stop Global Warming and reduce Climate Change. Looking for innovative, sustainable solutions to designing and building residential and commercial properties that are created with the natural environment in mind is a local Monmouth Architect. The ethos behind their more environmentally friendly approach to architecture is, “Thoughtful Spaces in Natural Places” and their creative designs are aimed at a more sustainable future.
Buildings that effortlessly blend into the natural landscape, like an artist’s sculpture and work of art, yet energy efficient, practical, liveable and affordable. Using as many sustainable materials and concepts as possible, Solar Panels and timber for example, adding as many natural light sources as possible. Designing the buildings to be naturally warm in the winter and cool in the summer, this is a Monmouth Architect with a genuine passion for creating buildings that support the environment.
Located right on the border of Wales and England, the town of Monmouth sits comfortably on the confluence of the River Wye and the River Monnow, only thirty miles north-east of Cardiff, it has become the tourism centre of the Wye Valley.