The most common eating disorders

Eating disorders describe any situation where someone either eats too much, not enough or is worrying excessively about their body shape or weight. They are a type of mental health condition in which a person uses food in an attempt to cope with their emotions.
Who do eating disorders affect?

Teenagers aged between 13 and 17 are most commonly affected, but anyone can be affected, regardless of gender, age or background.

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Eating Disorder Symptoms

The Beat Eating Disorders charity, which supports those suffering from an eating disorder and their loved ones, says that you cannot see an eating disorder, but are more likely to notice changes in mood and behaviour. This could include things like social withdrawal, tiredness, irritability and being secretive around food or self-conscious about eating in front of other people.

It isn’t always obvious when someone is suffering from a mental health condition such as an eating disorder, but there are training courses which can help spot the signs. If you are looking for mental health training courses Swansea, there are many providers such as who can give guidance on how you can help others.

The Most Common Types of Eating Disorder

Anorexia Nervosa – when someone severely reduces the amount of food they intake to try and control their weight. They may also excessively exercise at the same time.

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Bulimia – when someone loses control of their eating and then takes drastic action to compensate, either by fasting, using laxatives or making themselves sick.

Binge eating disorder – eating large amounts in one go, until someone feels overly full and doesn’t engage in the behaviours associated with anorexia or bulimia.

There are other types, but fortunately all are treatable and recovery is possible with treatment and support.

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